RN Edge

Pain and Suffering Analysis

Medical Malpractice

The evaluation and explanation of non-economic damages, such as pain, is very complex and takes special expertise. Pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, emotional distress, and loss of consortium are all more difficult to quantify than economic damages. 

RN Edge Nurses are here for you!

Our nurses will provide an in-depth review of the medical records and provide you a detailed, illustrated report of your client’s pain and suffering.

We will specify how your client’s life has changed, identifying the losses in activities of daily living, psychosocial and cognitive function impairments, all in simple terms a non-healthcare professional will understand.

As an Evidence Rule 1006 summary witness or Fact Witness Summary Expert, RN Edge Consulting Nurses can give your clients the voice they need!

These cases aren’t always clear-cut. Malpractice or carelessness does not always lead to an unfavorable outcome. No matter how experienced the medical professional, there is always a chance of unintended consequences and adverse effects. Miscommunication is one of the main problems that patients have. Let us help you distinguish between a genuine deviation from the standard of treatment and a misunderstanding.